Monday, November 23, 2009

Term Paper Topic - Nick Sulikowski

With the fairly new technology of virtual reality, several doors have been opened in expanding the way we explore spaces, the way we interact with each other, and possibly our perception of the world around us. With it, new and near total control of a totally three dimensional environment is given to people, and the ability to make virtual worlds existing inside computers take on a whole new level of realism, that otherwise would have been impossible on a 2D screen or even a holographic screen.

With this new technology, additionally a whole new medium opens up in which new forms of art work can be created. Imagine, instead of a 2D painting on a canvas of let's say, an abstract piece, with this the colors, shapes, and composition would totally surround the viewer and give an experience unparalleled and unexplored before.

Consider how this might be used in contemporary mainsteam media, as films are transformed into a completely different experience, or video games become so immersive you feel the feel and possibly even the pain of the character.

Finally consider how this level of interaction could social interactions. Could someone, instead of visting someone in person, meet then in a virtual community space online? Imagine if Second Life or an MMO allowed people all across the world to meet in the same virtual room, communicating as if they were really in the same area. Think about how that might affect time spent physically travelling outdoors, or other activity located in the real world.

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