Monday, September 7, 2009

Intro to Partipication

The main difference between individually produced art and participatory art is the intent of the artist to want viewers to take a more active role in the meaning and interpretation of a given work. Historically art works were created by a sole person with a specific vision, one that was easily intimately communicated to its audience, or left up to them to guess and speculate.

With the advent of technologies such as YouTube, Twitter, and such, the ability to see and receive feedback for a work has leapt exponentially. Indeed such an interaction means that the audience can even present during the creation and guide it towards a shared idea.

What hasn't changed however is that whether or not a work of art is with one vision and purpose or a collaboration, the interpretation of the audience can always be radically different, regardless of what time period and what available communication technology. In that sense, participation is somewhat similar.

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