Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Emergence Response

I think comparing the success of the ant and the human was absolutely called for. One can easily make the case that ants are a more successful species than humans. It was particularly interesting learning how they operate, communicate, and participate. I think the root of their success may be based on their local view. As Johnson described, they do everything at a local sense, from communicating with their surrounding peers. There is no larger "bird's eye" view of what may be going on elsewhere in the colony. This is what interests me, because as humans, we have always strived to see the larger picture, we strive to see the world as a whole community, especially today, in terms of globalization. We don't just watch the news to hear about what's going on in our neighborhood. We don't watch it to see what's going on in our city, we monitor news world wide. We want to know everything that's going on everywhere, whereas the ant will keep it's focus on it's neighbors.

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