Monday, September 28, 2009


I actually really enjoyed this reading, and for a couple of different reasons. First of all I like how Johnson had a different view on the success of a species. Instead of defining it merely on our cognitive ability, he boiled it down to how successful they have been in: 1) perpetuating the existence of the species...and 2) how well they perform their function as a species. As far as ants go they have done both of these tasks quite efficiently, advocates Johnson.

I enjoyed how he explained how this effective existence takes place. The idea of keeping the goals of each individual local was particularly interesting because of how different that is from humans, especially in today's day and age where everyone is constanlty concerned with the actions of people who we have never even met. Now, I am not saying humans should begin to operate in this "antian" fashion, but its cool to say that our way of life and functionality on earth is not the only way a species can last.

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