Monday, September 14, 2009

Class Participatory Action

In trying to think of something the class can participate in as a whole, I decided to limit my activity to a lecture classroom setting. This involves standing and sitting, so those not able to participate are encouraged to watch the strangeness. The two options, "standing" and "sitting" are binary: 0 and 1. On and off.

1) At the start, each person is sitting and chooses a number from 1-5, and does not say it aloud. Then, the instructor will pick a number from 1-5 and say it aloud.
2) When a number is called that a person has chosen, they will change the state they are in. (e.g. if standing, they will sit; if sitting, they will stand.) Then they must pick another number from 1-5.
3) If people choose to become the new number caller, they may raise their hand and wait to be chosen by the instructor.

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