Monday, September 14, 2009

Participatory Art

I've always believed that a picture or image can sometimes convey a stronger message than words. Though cliche, an image can really be worth a thousand words. In this participatory art, participants would choose an image or symbol that means something to him or her, be it a logo of a sports team, brand of clothing, a simple shape such as a heart, etc, and have it on some sort of paper medium. You could print it out on a sheet of computer paper, have it on a larger scale photo print, or a poster board. Anything really. Once you have your image, all participants would gather in a general area, spread out, and basically just stand in a certain spot, holding the image for passersby to see. And it will grab their attention, since people are more prone to look at something if a person is standing completely still right by it. Here are the rules:

1. The image has to be something meaningful to you.
2. The image cannot be something vulgar or offensive. Let's keep it tasteful.
3. Somewhere on the image, write the words, "It means something more..."

By having these words written on the image, the whole project is united and brought together, since it would become a running theme in all the images, however different they may be.

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