Monday, September 14, 2009

Participatory Design

My participatory action would be a design that uses any common instant messenger service today. (AIM, Yahoo, IChat, etc.) Basically what would happen is that we as a class would agree upon one either one song or one video that is on youtube already, and decide this is the video we are going to try to make popular. By merely a few people distributing one song or video, I hope somehow people we know will agree with us, and thusly pass it on to other people, and so on and so forth until the video has at least 10,000 hits. In essence, it would be a "pay it forward" type activity.

The rules are as follows:
1. Each person must send the link to the video to at least 15 friends.
2. Each person must advocate that the video or song is extremely worth seeing to their friends which will hopefully convince them to feel the same way.
3. We must do it at the same time so it has a more immediate effect.

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