Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Semiotic Method

I couldn't agree with Hobbs' quote from 1997 more.

"As we enter the twenty first century, it is essential that the schools be places that help students better understand the complex, symbol-rich culture in which they live in. A new vision of literacy is essential if educators are serious about the broad goals of education: preparing students to function as informed and effective citizens in a democratic society; preparing students to realize personal fulfillment; and preparing students to function effectively in a rapidly changing world that demands new, multiple literacies."

I feel semiotics is more important now than ever in our culture. Especially in a culture that is continuously changing at an exponential rate. We are constantly being bombarded with images and suggestions, and many times people just take them for what they are, without thinking twice. It is important to understand the connotations and denotations associated with [popular culture] words and expressions for the sake of communication.
I feel it is especially important to read into and analyze these messages because we really can't trust where they come from. In a world of media conglomerates, just about everything we see on television has a hidden message or agenda within. Even our entertainment is laced with ideas and product promotion. Everything is about selling something, whether it be an idea or a product, its usually about maximizing someone's profits. I feel it is really important though to constantly be reading between the lines, to see what an advertisement is really trying to sell you. For example, the health club that tries to sell the idea that you'll find a young, beautiful, physically fit girl at the club, rather than the idea of a healthier you.

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