Monday, October 26, 2009

Semiotics- Danielle Reedy

After doing this reading I find semiotics really kind of interesting. However, I feel like it’s almost common sense. For instance, when I see teenagers wearing what the newest trends are I do not have to sit around for a long time trying to figure out why they are wearing what they are wearing. It is almost alwa ys because that is what their favorite celebrities are wearing those days. I guess when you get deeper into it and start asking why the celebrities are wearing what they are wearing, then we something to really study.
I like the idea of semiotics and I like the idea that we can find the meaning behind things like TV shows and fashion trends but I don't necessarily agree that everything in popular culture can be analyzed that easily. The reading said that, "all social behavior is political in the sense that it reflects some kind of personal or group interest." That may be true but I do not think that you can always find some deep political meaning behind, "a shirt, a haircut... anything at all". I think sometimes people wear things because it is all they have, for example you might wear a shirt that you don't really like but it was given to you as a gift and you are only wearing it because everything else was dirty. A semiotician would decode that by assuming that you are interested in whatever is on the shirt, but the truth is that is not the truth at all.

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